Wednesday, July 5, 2017

IWSG July 2017

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Peter Dinklage says it so well.

Have you given yourself permission to fail?

On a personal note, I finished the rehaul of Swing Vote, and it's with my critique group now. Phew!


  1. We have to keep trying because if we don't, getting that first starting place won't happen.

    1. And not let failure bring it all crashing down on us. How many great things would never have happened if people didn't push on past failure?

  2. I like Dinklage's words, but could have done without the music swirling in the not-so-background. Giving yourself permission to fail is tremendously liberating. It gives you freedom to act.

  3. Failure is eliminating one more thing that doesn't work. Try again.

    1. I like that. When I worked doing genealogical research, one of the things we did was log in all our searches. It's as important to note when you don't find anything as it is when you for exactly your reason.

  4. I don't always click play and listen. But glad I did today. Everything Peter is so true about creative life and the rest of life really. And I needed to hear it.

    1. I heard it a couple of months ago and saved it for this post.

  5. Yep, have to keep on keeping on no matter what comes due.

  6. Great video! Thanks for posting it today. Congratulations on wrapping up the book and getting off to your readers.

  7. Yay for critiques!

    It's way to easy to quit. The joy comes in the battle, eh?

  8. ''You Know Neil Gaiman says this same thing. Give yourself permission to fail. Great video.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G at Everything Must Change

  9. Hope the group won't be nasty :) Can't stand Dinklage, always the same in all roles and very arrogant


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