Monday, October 24, 2016

Monday Meanderings - October 24, 2016

First Meandering ...

I wasn't going to do NaNo this year since I'm supposed to be editing. However, I've got a couple of stories, one a book and one a novella, that I'll need to get done by March, so I'm wondering where I should focus my energy.

Now focus is relative, since I'll be in Hawaii babysitting grandkids for the last half of the month. Do you think I'm delusional to see how far I can get before the 16th when we fly? I'll have several hours each day to work since all the kids are in school.

Second Meandering ...

In April I'm joining three other authors on a research trip to London and Scotland. We're working on a book series (contemporary time travel fantasy). And we got the tickets for the trip this weekend. Squeee!

No World War III is allowed. Just sayin'.

Third Meandering ...

It was a fabulously beautiful fall weekend, with the temps in the upper 60s and low 70s. It was fabulous. They got a bunch of plumbing and electrical on the house. No fun pictures this week.

What did you do?


  1. I think you'll manage to make progress even while watching the kids. It will just be motivation to get a lot more done beforehand.
    I envy your research trip.

  2. I think if you plan to write while the kids are in school, you will and can accomplish a lot. Sounds like you've got a lot of fun trips and projects planned.

    1. And not get distracted. That's what been so frustrating to me lately. I'm suffering from the "squirrel" syndrome from the movie "Up." lol

  3. Oh yeah, as long as the grandkids don't wear you out, you'll get a bunch done. Awesome research trip too.

    1. If we could bottle the energy little kids have it'd bring us close the the mythical fountain of youth. :D

  4. Hawaii is *bad* enough... but you're going to Scotland, too?! I'm SOOOOO jealous. Can I please be tucked into your baggage somehow? I promise I won't take up any space or eat too much. :)

    1. Now if I could just figure out how to make you fit ...

  5. You're going to be one busy human! I'm looking forward to reading all about your adventures.

    1. I'm really so excited about this trip. Eventually I need to go back to Ireland again. Can't wait.

  6. Maybe I should do NANO this year since I'm stuck at home with a broken arm.

  7. I don't think there's anything wrong with busting out as much of the book as you can before the 16th. And if you want, I'll go babysit in Hawaii!

  8. London AND Scotland? I'm green with envy over here.

  9. Oh, I do feel ever so sorry for you that you have to go to Hawaii :)

  10. I think NaNo will work out fine. It's about pushing yourself and seeing how far you go. Cool that you'll be up in my neck of the woods (well, country) on your research trip!

    1. That's my hope. Too bad your country is so large. I've got online friends I'd love to meet up with in both England and Scotland.

  11. Don't you have exciting things coming up!? You go girl!

  12. Sounds like an epic time for me. I hope you get a TON of writing down during those school hours and that your trip is beyond epic!


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