Wednesday, October 5, 2016

IWSG - October 5, 2016

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Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!
I've been spending a lot of time with consistent marketing, and it's discouraging. I see a big difference when I don't. I just wish I saw a bigger difference when I do. It makes me fear that I must be a really bad writer.

Do you ever feel that way?


  1. As in, you're working really hard so the results should be really noticeable? Yeah, know the feeling...

  2. I was so obsessed over this with my first book. Sometimes it's just out of your hands! Just keep writing. It will happen.

    1. I keep learning from others, and it's helping. I just wish things moved a little faster. lol

  3. I always feel like a bad writer--except for those few moments when I tip my chair back a little, look at the screen, and think, "That's really good!"

    I like those moments.

    1. Yeah. Those are the moments to remember when I'm doubting myself.

  4. haha not funny, but had to laugh as the harder I do marketing the more pffft the results for my time. So I just heaved it.

    1. Well, I can see a difference--like two to three times more sales when I invest in marketing. I just hear from others who are having greater success with their marketing.

  5. That fear is constantly gnawing on my brain. Constantly. Do not let it stop you!!!!

  6. You are a great writer, Donna. Never doubt that. I wish there was a special formula for the marketing part. There must be, mustn't there? Keep smiling and keep writing. Have a lovely month.

    1. The problem with the secret formula is that it's a moving target. lol

  7. I've been having that same, tiny little progress while I'm actually working very consistently. I'm not sure how much of it is the work and how much is the getting out there and talking to people. Which I admit I'm not the greatest at.

    1. Consistency is what's important, as I'm learning.

  8. Marketing... hubby thinks marketing is the answer. But I'm just not so sure. There are so many of us now all trying to reach the same goal. How can I/you/each of us scream loudly enough to be heard over the crowd?

    1. I hope I'm not screaming. But it does come out to knowing which promotions are worth the investment. And, of course, writing more books!

  9. It's sad when results we want don't follow our hard work. Keep hanging in there and you will figure out what works for you.

    1. I'm am learning to broaden my options, which helps. It just takes time. And my day job is such a time suck! :D

  10. My goal is traditional publishing, though I may later dip my toes into the world of indie publishing. Either way, I'm going to have to learn about marketing. My recent experience at the Women's Fiction Writers Association retreat exposed me to so many marketing strategies, my head is stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey. What sort of marketing strategies have you tried so far?

    1. I'm in the process of building my Reader Group list, which has been kind of fun. I've done more interacting with readers than before. It's so fun. Also, promotional lists like Robin Reads, BookBub, etc.

  11. For shame!!! Never think that. You're a great writer. Marketing is for the birds, and not the pretty birds...the crows and vultures.

    And honestly, if you stink, I stink...I have the same lackluster problem.

  12. Oh, ouch. Marketing can be so discouraging. It's so difficult to get 'found' by readers. Don't let it get you down or question your abilities. It's the same for all of us.

    1. That's why the building of my newsletter list is important. I'm hoping this will become my personal BookBub.

  13. Marketing IS discouraging. It can feel like we've tried everything and nothing works. And so then we assume it's us and our writing that's at fault. I've definitely had those moments. We believe our effort should pay off, but the truth is that sometimes it just doesn't. Keep writing anyway. If it makes you happy to write, do it.

  14. I'm dipping my toes in marketing now, and I have to say, I don't like it very much! But I guess it's something every writer has to do? I sometimes wish I could just write the stories and not have to worry about any of that other stuff!

    1. I'm with you on that! If I'd realized that writing a book would turn me into a saleman, I might not have done it. *sigh* But what a loss for me if I hadn't.

  15. I think there are so many of us marketing that people have a challenge finding us.

    1. And they have an even bigger challenge finding us without marketing.

  16. 'tis very difficult these days to put your product out there... Look at my blog, shouldn't it have millions of visitors daily?? :)))

  17. Vin would know:) I think part of it's true, and partially it's just that life gets busy. But we keep trying:)

  18. Ugh, marketing. Something I'm not looking forward to. As much as I want my work to be published, I really hope I can find some help with things like marketing, is that even possible?


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