Brooke's got a new book out, and it sounds fabulous!

Kate, who is greatly in debt and believes her friend has already married, considers the offer.
Once Kate makes her spontaneous decision, her life is on the fast track and the real adventure begins. Caught between two men, she begins to realize that though she turned up in the Wrong Place, she might have arrived just at the Right Time.
Available from: Amazon, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, and TWCS PH
Brooke was a good sport and agreed to do an interview.
If you could sing one song on American Idol, what would it be?
Well, I think everyone would be turning the TV off at that point and ratings would plummet. I have a rather deep voice for a gal and it’s not one most would enjoy hearing. However, you got to do what you got to do and I would sing “World’s Apart” by Jars of Clay. They’re my favorite group and that’s my favorite song. It’s meant a lot to me over the years.
What is the funniest thing that has happened to you recently?
My oldest daughter came home from kindergarten one day and asked if she could invite Jackson to the Christmas party. I said what Christmas party? She said at our house. I said we’re having a Christmas party?! She says that I said as much a few weeks ago. I’m certain I did not. How do I get out of throwing a soiree at this point?? My youngest daughter (almost 2) has taken to playing with my cell phone when I’m in the shower. It keeps her happy and I get a few seconds of peace. However, she has texted my husband, called my mom, and taken a variety of pictures lately. Luckily, just of her own feet. But it’s only a matter of time before she turns around, takes pictures, and then figures out how to post on Facebook.
Who is your favorite character in Wrong Place, Right Time, and why?
I have an attachment to all of them, but I really like the way Brian handles himself. He comes off as too nice for his own good, but what’s wrong with that, really? He’s a gentleman and he treats everyone around him with respect. He would do anything for anyone and he’s the type of guy that anyone would be lucky to have as a friend! I also enjoyed the main character Kate. She’s a bumbling traffic reporter and I held that position myself for 5 whole months so I know what it’s like to be bad at that job!
Where did the idea come from for Wrong Place, Right Time?
I was in a writing conference and I connected with an agent who taught a number of the classes. In one class, she encouraged me to try romance because she said there’s a huge market for it. I’d never really written specific romance before. And in another class, we had to come up with great first lines. I came up with “Stop the wedding!” and the book stemmed from there. That scene moved back a few chapters in editing, but it all came out of that one line. I thought it might be interesting to have someone attempt to interrupt a wedding, desperate to tell someone they loved them…only to barge into the wrong ceremony…now what?!
What is your next project?
Which one?! Ha! I actually have another book releasing on February 4th called “Accept this Dandelion.” It’s another romantic comedy that I wrote in a sleep-deprived state. So I recommend getting little sleep and then reading it. You’re guaranteed a laugh at that point! It’s about a woman who goes on a localized version of The Bachelor TV show. Nothing goes right for her! They could make a whole blooper reel on her alone. It’s a light-hearted, fun read. And I have “Mamarazzi” coming out in August. That one is about a female paparazzo and what happens when the cameras turn HER way. I just wrapped up writing a short novella for next Christmas season called “Backwards Christmas.” I need to go back through that one soon and see if it makes any sense at all. You can get details on all of my projects on my website

Brooke Williams is an award-winning author and freelance writer. She has written hundreds of articles as well as several novels, including Someone Always Loved You and Beyond the Bars. Brooke has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Morningside College, with a double major in Mass Communications and Religious Studies. She has twelve years of experience in radio broadcasting, both behind the scenes and on-air. She was also a television traffic reporter for a brief time. Brooke and her husband Sean married in 2002 and have two daughters, Kaelyn and Sadie.
Praise for Wrong Place, Right Time
"Really really fantastic book! I had a very hard time putting my kindle down when my work breaks were over. Loved everything..the plot, the characters, the romance. Definitely recommend.
This won't be the only Brooke Williams book I read." - Carrie Goodreads Review
Those three words launched an entire book - well done!
ReplyDeleteAmazing, huh?!
DeleteThanks so much for having me today, Donna!!!
ReplyDeleteMaybe you should sing on american idol so the show will finally be cancelled? lol just saying. Congrats!
ReplyDeleteso she sells her love for million bucks? How cheap of her :)
ReplyDeleteYou're naughty, Dezmond. This is a clean read, and I'm sure that it's a marriage of convenience and not "the wild thing". ;)
DeleteI love the idea of a mix-up at the wrong wedding and that she might have found the right guy. What a neat storyline.