Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Change of Plans Audiobook Giveaway!

If you've followed my blog much in the last month or so, you'll know that my adventure romance, A Change of Plans, has come out in audiobook. You'll also know that I'm a huge audiobook fan, so I'm really jazzed to have my book now available in that medium. I want to spread the word!

And how cool is this? Because Audible is an Amazon company, the ebook and the audiobook are linked. When you purchase the ebook, you can download the audiobook for $1.99.

Yeah. You read that right. You can get the ebook AND the audiobook for $6.98.

Well, my publisher, Rhemalda, and I are hosting a giveaway. 
And there can be two winners!

 Here's a short sample of the audiobook:

You have several chances to win
and different blogs to visit each day:
Date        Blogger    
18-Aug    Jaclyn Weist     
18-Aug    Cindy Hogan    
19-Aug    Heidi Tighe  
19-Aug    RaShelle Workman     
20-Aug    JoAnn Arnold    
20-Aug    Heidi Murphy  . . . . . . . . . . Interview
20-Aug    Sherry Gammon    
21-Aug    Taffy Lovell . . . . . . . . . . . . Interview
22-Aug    Angela Corbett    
22-Aug    Phil L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guest post on showing vs. telling
22-Aug    Lindzee Armstrong    
23-Aug    David Powers King    
23-Aug    Maria Hoagland . . . . . . . . . Interview
23-Aug    Merita King    
23-Aug    Robin Ambrose    
23-Aug    Taryn Taylor
24-Aug    Amber Argyle     
24-Aug    Shantal Session    

19-Aug    Wendy Knight     

23-Aug    Stephanie Abney 

When Lyn sets off on her supposedly uncomplicated and unromantic cruise, she never dreams it will include pirates. All the 25-year-old, Colorado high school teacher wants to do is forget that her dead fiancé was a cheating scumbag. Lyn plans a vacation diversion; fate provides Braedon, an intriguing surgeon. She finds herself drawn to him: his gentle humor, his love of music, and even his willingness to let her take him down during morning karate practices. Against the backdrop of the ship's make-believe world and temporary friendships, her emotions come alive. 

However, fear is an emotion, too. Unaware of the sensitive waters he's navigating, Braedon moves to take their relationship beyond friendship--on the very anniversary Lyn is on the cruise to forget. Lyn's painful memories are too powerful, and she runs from Braedon and what he has to offer.

It’s hard to avoid someone when stuck on the same ship, and the pair finds themselves on one of the cruise's snorkeling excursions in American Samoa. Paradise turns to piracy when their party is kidnapped and Lyn's fear of a fairytale turns grim. Now she must fight alongside the man she rejected, first for their freedom and then against storms, sharks, and shipwreck.


  1. Thanks for the giveaway and it's so cool your book is in audio.

  2. Very cool! I already have the eBook, but I'll post about the giveaway for you tomorrow.

  3. Great idea, Donna! Audiobooks seem to be the way to go -- I'll have to follow suit eventually.

  4. Awesome, audio books are really picking up steam

  5. This is great. I posted to Facebook. I hope more of my friends read/listen to it--I loved your book!

  6. Very cool. I shall spread the word. But I'm going to go ahead and buy my copy. :)

  7. Wow! Congrats! So awesome that your book is in audio. Thanks for the giveaway!

  8. Congratulations on your audiobook release!


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