Friday, January 6, 2012

Grammar Friday . . . Commas

The issue of commas can be a bit Harry.

But siriusly, commas can save lives.

For example:

Let's eat, Grandma!


Let's eat Grandma!

Have you ever had
an embarrassing experience
with a misplaced comma?


  1. I must admit I do get my comma's in the wrong place from time to time. Enjoyed the read.


  2. I'm good with commas because I don't want to eat Grandma!

  3. I haven't, but it's amazing how one teeny tiny piece of punctuation can change the whole meaning of a sentence entirely!

  4. haha yeah one little comma can screw everything up. I suffered once in a while from this hiccup. Mostly with the blog because I just rhyme and forget the grammar from time to time..haha

  5. Love the "Let's eat Grandma!" picture. (And should I have used a comma in the previous sentence?) : )

  6. If I've ever had an embarrassing comma, no one told me. They probably just laughed at me behind their hand :)

    I'd rather not eat Grandma though... ;0

  7. I'm a little too friendly with commas, lol. My cp's usually take them out more than they put them in :)

  8. I love these Grammar Friday posts. I hate grammar (funny, coming from a writer) and you've helped clear up a few things for me.

    But then, after reading a text from I think sometime in the middle ages, I'm so grateful someone came up with punctuation. It was impossible to tell where one thought, let alone one sentence ended and where the next began. It was insane.

    So I will plod on and hope not to make any extremely embarrassing grammar errors.

    Thanks Donna!! Have fun in Hawaii.


  9. I'm terrible with commas, but they are so essential!

  10. LOL! Stop making me laugh so hard!!!

  11. Well, I misplace them all the time. Don't know that I've ever been embarrassed by it. Love the pictures!

  12. Who me? The Queen of I don't know where the commas go. When I opened you post and saw COMMAS, I actually groaned.

    At least it wasn't another post on the A - Z Challenge. I'm sure that one is a conspiracy to get me to commit. I already gave up and said I would do it.

    Now, I suppose you want me to try harder with commas. Maybe I'm comma-phobic.

  13. Me? I, know exactly, what to do, with all those pesky, commas. I say, the more, the better. :)

  14. I'm usually pretty good with commas. I think. LOVE your examples and illustrations, though. Fun post.

  15. I probably have these even more often than I realize! I also tend to overuse them, so I need to be careful! Still - I think the comma, doesn't get its due credit :)

  16. I know I've got some growing to do when it comes to using that bit of punctuation. I'm also learning that the Oxford comma can be your friend.

    Also, not sure if I'd like to eat Grandma. She may be a tough old gal.

  17. Commas are important. My embarrassment came from my university English Prof. He gave me an A on content and writing on an essay, but an F on grammar because I had too many commas. Frankly, I thought that was mean!

  18. ROFL! Yum yum. I've beta read some books with pretty funny stuff happening because of a forgotten comma.

  19. Nothing comes immediately to mind, but I'm sure there was a Poirot mystery which hinged on a letter that was fatally mis-read because of a speck of dirt that was mistaken for a comma. So these pesky blighters can make a life-or-death difference!

  20. Yes a terribly awful embarrassing situation but it was with an apostrophe. I whipped something off and didn't proof read enough and then sent it out to a bunch of people! *hides head*

  21. Hhahhaaaa! Hilarious! I love the example.
    No embarrassing things with commas, lots with my foot in my mouth. That's why I try to live in cyber land, right next to the delete key.

    (How're my commas doing?)

  22. Ha! I love that Grandma one...sooooo awkward :)

  23. Thank you. I know it shouldn't be that big a deal, but misplaced commas do things to me. Kind of like a cat that's stroked the wrong way. :)

  24. LOL! I haven't, but that's just b/c I'm an old editing nerd. Still, I love stuff like this--hilarious. I'm sure you've read "Eats, Shoots, and Leaves"--? :D <3


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