Showing posts with label Revision. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Revision. Show all posts

Friday, February 18, 2011

Anatomy of a Tale 2

Well, here it is. This is WIP #1 -- all mapped out. Once I'm finished with LTUE tomorrow, I'll be ready to start moving these nifty little scenes around and see how this flashback thing works.

Revision Technique

As I was brousing around the blogosphere this morning before heading out to the Life, The Universe and Everything (LTUE) conference again this morning, I read Rachel Morgan's post from yesterday that links to IndieHorrors' post from Wednesday that talks about how to revise your ms by character.

Just to start it out, here's what he says about the first item on his list, Character arc:

 1. Character arcA novel is a coalescence of the stories of various characters. The character-by-character revision method helps me attend to these characters and their stories individually, giving me a clearer picture of their lives—how they manage their demons, weaknesses, values etc.
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