Monday, January 12, 2015

Monday Meandering - January 12th

First Meander ...

I'm sitting in a hotel room in Anaheim early in the morning. Behind me two of my sweet grandkids sleep in one bed, and hubby is in the other. In the adjoining room, my daughter and her hubby and two other kids sleep.

Heading to California Adventure today. I'm only sad that Soarin' Over California is closed for renovations. It's my favorite ride in that entire park.

The weather back home is cold and yucky. The weather here is about 40 degrees higher. Nice.

Second Meander ... 

I'm working through the final edits for A Season of Change. The cover is nearly finalized and gorgeous, and the wonderful narrator who's doing the audiobook for Torn Canvas has agreed to do the audiobook for A Season of Change too. All I need is to write the cover copy. Dang but I hate writing that stuff. Why is it harder to write a couple hundred words than it is to write a full novel?

Once I'm done with that, I can get back to editing Swing Vote.

Third Meander ...

Genres can be a pain. Really.

Plus, writing retreats can be very informational, sometimes not in way we expect them to be. Last September, I was talking with some other attendees at the iWriteNetwork retreat about Torn Canvas. I realized then I'd been thinking the whole time it was an adventure romance, like A Change of Plans. Nope. Even though TC is a parallel novel with ACoP, it's underlying question isn't "will the love interests get together."

How could all of us--me, my beta readers, my editor, and my cover designer--miss this?

That got me to thinking about the other books in the Safe Harbors series. Seems Swing Vote could be more a romantic political thriller (though I'm choking a little at "thriller"). And the untitled Kate's story will be romantic suspense.


Looks like almost every book/novelette in the Safe Harbors series is a different genre. Leave it up to me--lover of reading all kinds of genres--to manage to do that without meaning to.

Tonight, I'm looking to have tired feet and lots more fun memories with half my grandkids. What are your plans?


  1. have an amazing day over at California with the family!

  2. Sorry the one ride is closed. I'm sure you'll have a great time anyway.
    Guess you're multi-genre and didn't even know it.

    1. I don't mind. I've also got a YA fantasy series and the start of a sf series. I just didn't expect to make the genre jump WITHIN a series.

  3. A little genre hopping isn't a bad thing. Enjoy your vacation time with family.

  4. Have fun with your grandkids. They're great to have.

  5. Enjoy your trip. Please blow some of that warm weather our way. And awesome that you can write in other genres, even if you didn't intend it.

  6. Isn't it wonderful to be able to write what you want? Why get boxed in? Have a wonderful time at Anaheim. (I'm a poet and don't know it!)

  7. You're going to have an awesome day. Sore feet from having fun is a fantastic trade off.
    And no problem with writing a series that floats through genres. You're just talented like that :-)

  8. Looks fun! Ride Pirates or the Haunted House in New Orelans Sq. for me:)

  9. I relish the different between a hot and cold climate. Whenever I complain about the cold, I can't wait to return to Miami.

    I can't wait to hear more about these projects and see new covers.

  10. I hope you have a lovely time with the family--it sounds wonderful!

    Like queries, I suspect cover blurbage is so difficult because we're trying to boil down lengthy stories into a pithy paragraph or two--and that's not easy. I'm sure you'll manage just fine.

  11. progress sounds good on the writing front and Disney front. now different genres...just means your so amazing you can pull it off!

  12. Being in California sounds fun and warm.

    If the readers like the characters, then they won't care as much what story the genre is in.

  13. I don't know why a few words are so much harder than coming up with a bunch of them, but I couldn't agree more! Hope you have fun with the grand kids!

  14. I was just thinking about California the other day. Kinda getting homesick for my native state. And I( hear you on the genres. I like a good story regardless of genre, and I tend to write that way too. Have a good time! :)

  15. Ah Disneyland...almost as fun as my backyard playground, Disney World. =)

    You got my head spinning with all that speculation. Whatever you do, I'm certain the outcome will be amazing.

  16. Those pesky genres. Always getting in the way of where a story wants to go.

    Have a wonderful time with your family.

  17. Only half of January and already you've done a lot. Your 2015 will surely be interesting. Looking forward to see more of your meandering. :)

  18. Don't worry. The first two books in my series are paranormal romance, and the second two are urban fantasy. I think a shift in focus is perfectly normal. :D

    Have fun with your family!

  19. I hope you're having a great time! I was sad when we went off-season one time and Pirates was closed. That's one of my favorite rides! Good luck with your writing projects. Genres can be such a pain. Like you, I read a lot of genres. I'm sure my books will show this.


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