Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Visiting Angie Today and IWSG

I'm visiting over at author Angie Lofthouse's blog today and doing one of her one-word interviews.

Click here to find out more.
Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Since I'm hoping you'll visit Angie, I will keep this short. My biggest insecurity right now is finding balance. My real life is insane as I'm caught in the throes of the worst election I've run. Ugly stuff. I've had family visiting that I haven't seen in four years. Wonderful times. I've got a book out, a book with my publisher, and plans for a new NaNo book. And marketing.

Seriously. I need a clone. How do you guys do this?


  1. So that's how Alex does it!!!!!

  2. On my way.

    Hugs and chocolate,

  3. Mostly just remembering that whatever I write, it doesn't get unwritten. Any contribution is good.

  4. Oh, my! I'm not as busy as you, but I can relate. My personal life has seriously intruded on my writing and social media time this spring and summer. I hope things get better for you soon.

    August co-host and IWSG #110

  5. Lists! I have lists for my lists. And during really busy periods I am a sad individual and plan a timetable like we used to have at school!
    Suzanne @ Suzannes-Tribe

  6. Hey, that's the price of success, baby. :P

    And, yeah, let me know how that cloning thing works out.

  7. Sounds as if you're doing fabulously without help! Enjoy it all, especially the family!

  8. I hear ya. So many great things for you, though. Good luck!

  9. I let the cat pick up the slack

  10. You definitely need to borrow Alex's cloning machine. Then you can share how he does it with the rest of us. :D

  11. Can so relate. And I'm impressed you launched your book in the heat of the election.

  12. I'm calling a spot on the Alex Cloning machine line!

  13. I do the best I can do and that's all I can do. That's my motto.

  14. Sorry about the stress. Hope it gets better soon.

  15. I'd love a clone.

    I'll check out the link.

  16. I'm sad to hear you're having problems with balance. It can be so hard! Maybe we need to meet up for some lunch and get some relaxing time in there. :)

  17. I work full time, have three kids, am currently working on four books (various stages with each), and I am in the middle of a marathon Buffy dvd session.

    I don't sleep!

    Good luck with it all, Donna.

  18. You weren't kidding...our posts are almost identical in nature! So when you figure it out or get Alex's cloning machine to work for you, please let me know!

  19. Balance -- yes indeed. I go back to work tomorrow, and I'm afraid my writing time will vanish. Somehow, we've got to make time for all of it.


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