Monday, June 10, 2013

Reflections on a Book Launch

This last week has been insane on so many levels.

For my day job, I run the election for my city. Last week we had eighteen (yes, you read that right) people file for council and five for mayor. We have also lost both of our office clerks who left to seek higher pay in the private sector. My deputy and I are going crazy as we try to carry our regular work load, the additional work that comes with an election, and the work our clerks used to do. Ha! And now we're going to be doing interviews. Like we have the time.

Crazy time to launch a book, wasn't it? But I was too busy during the day to worry much about the book launch.

Blog tours are interesting things, very much in flux. Real life happens and some of the people who signed up to help either couldn't, forgot, or posted late. And it's all good. I was just thrilled so many people were willing to help a debut author. I got to meet some awesome new people while wanting to hug so many that I already know. Thanks so much to my trooper followers who visited my blog every day and commented (Alex and Pat, you know who are).

As for the physical launch, I loved being able to do it with another author. It really lowered my stress level, and I'm so grateful to Jordan McCollum for suggesting it. If you aren't following her blog, you should. She's a great resource on writing. Her book, I, Spy, is a dang fun read. We had so much fun we're going another joint event (different theme) on June 19th at the American Fork Library.

Because of an arthritis flareup, my son, Paul, created some artwork to make a stamp to help with the signing. Pretty cool, huh? His wife, Kelsey, came to take pictures. In spite of her camera dying, she managed pretty well with my camera.

Some things I learned from watching the footage:

  • I talk a lot with my hands. How did I never realize that?
  • I'm a podium hog.
  • I open my mouth a lot and make funny expressions. Embarrassing.
Following is a video montage of our Saturday event.

What's your experience been at book launches--either ones for your own books or that you've attended? What have you liked or not liked?


  1. I haven't done a launch. So it was fascinating hearing your thoughts on it. Interesting that some people dropped out. I'd love to do a launch with someone.

    Sorry you had a stressful work week. I can sadly relate.

  2. I'll never do a big scale blog tour again. Working full time, writing, family... my blog tour damn near killed me.

    Launches however? Hellz yeah! Mine just involved drinking and laughter. I think I signed some stuff as well - not sure what!!

    Enjoy this moment, Donna. You've worked hard for it.

  3. Sounds like you had a ton on the go, congrats on making it through

  4. Never done a launch, interesting thoughts.

  5. Your tour was fun! Glad I got to host you. (Once I remembered I was supposed to be doing that - sorry!!) And you didn't have any dorky expressions in the video. Just lots of smiles.

  6. Always around indeed, never did one at all. Interesting to hear about it though, as you never know.

  7. Congratulations again! Looks like a nice turnout at your launch party. How strange was it to be reading words from your book out loud to an audience?

  8. What a fun video! And, yes, you survived it all, Superwoman!! Great launch. :)

  9. You both did great! It was a wonderful launch. :)

  10. I was going to bring my nice camera and forgot! :(

    I'm so happy I could come to your launch! It was a lot of fun!

  11. I love that stamp! So clever. :)

  12. Glad you had a positive launch and your day job sounds tough. The economy affects everyone.

  13. Wish I could have been there! Glad you had a great book launch :)

  14. Aw, I was on vacation and missed all the fun. But I love the stamp.

  15. I have only ever been to one book launch and I missed half of it :( I really wish I got to more. Maybe that should be my half-way-through-the-year resolution! :)

  16. What a nice video. You are awesome. I can only imagine how glad you must be to be done with it. Now just sit back and collect those checks...Ha! Oh and on occasion head over to the local bookstore and admire all that hard work on the shelf.

  17. Loved the video! It sounds like you had an amazing launch. I better get to Utah one of these days and attend a book launch.

  18. Congrats on the book launch, Donna.

    I haven't done a book launch, but one of my friends has had many, all very successful. Okay, maybe not 200 + successful like some authors I know, but the turn out has been surprisingly good. Most have been the cupcakes and cookies she offers. :D

  19. Congrats on the awesome book launch! Wish I could have been there! I've missed so many book launches this year. :( And I LOVE pirates. :)

  20. I love the video! And I think everyone talks with their hands and makes funny facial expressions. And if they don't, they're boring. ;) Glad you had so much fun!!

  21. wow you had a lot going on for sure! Can only imagine how stressful it is to do a book launch.


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