Thursday, June 13, 2013

Blog Vacation

I'm in the throes of a municipal election that's starting a month earlier than in the past and a roster of 17 candidates for 3 seats. I've got family coming in July from the far reaches of the world (like China and Hawaii). All our grandchildren will be together for the first time--two we haven't seen in nearly 4 years.

I've also set a goal to get Jori's book up to snuff and submitted to my publisher for consideration before the families get here. Something's gotta give.

So, I'm taking a blogging vacation. Except for some book launches that I've already signed up for and, perhaps, an occasional update on my editing, I'll be keeping a schedule like sign above.

Imagine I'm doing this:

Though, in this case, Hawaii is coming to me.


  1. Well deserved, Donna! Wishing you many productive writing hours with a healthy dose of fun and relaxation.

  2. Enjoy, that schedule would be nice to have

  3. You don't want to make yourself crazy! Finish the book and enjoy your family.

  4. Take care. Enjoy your time with your family.

  5. Have a wonderful and productive bloggy vacay!

  6. I want those hours! Enjoy your break.

  7. Have a wonderful vacation.

  8. Enjoy.

    Hugs and chocolate,

  9. You'll feel better for it, and you have had one crazy month!

  10. Wise woman. Get as much relaxing (ha ha) in as you can, eh? And be sure to take some cheese along.

  11. Come back soon! But enjoy your blog holiday and seeing the family :)

  12. Enjoy your break! I'll be going dark in July -- no Internet, no TV -- in the backwoods of Maine. Should get some quality writing done.

  13. Enjoy your break and come back soon!


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