Tuesday, February 21, 2012

That Other Blog ...

If you're interested, you can check out my post on That Other Blog I post at on occasion.


  1. What a cool blog! First time I visited. Loved your post, Donna :)

  2. Thanks. I went right over and printed the info out, cause I know nothing about formatting except the very basics.

    I'm also looking for information about formatting for e-readers. I read a blog post a while back somewhere about formatting for e-readers and some of the special things necessary (apparently many agents now download your pages onto a kindle or other e-reader.) I can attest to the fact that there is a difference. Someone sent me an ARC that I tried to download to my kindle - what a mess. I was not formatted for an e-reader. Any ideas, where to look?

  3. Definitely bookmarked - I don't know very much beyond 'double spacing' :-)

  4. Yeah, I go there on occasion. You're a pretty smart lady. Here and there.


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