Wednesday, December 7, 2022

IWSG - December 2022


Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!
Co-hosts for the December 7th are

Question: It's holiday time! Are the holidays a time to catch up or fall behind on writer goals?

This is an excellent question. Since I suffered from a serious bout of burnout this year and nearly stepped away completely, I'm more careful now. I'm releasing a Christmas romance in a few days, and then I'm not working on anything for the rest of the year. During that time I'll have to think about the many writing related things I want to work on in 2023.

What about you?
Does the pressure get to you sometimes?
Do you beat yourself up when you don't achieve your goals?



  1. That sounds like my 2021! 2022 was the year I took at a slower pace with just one book to write (and finished it last week!). I set goals that make me stretch but not break so usually they're a carrot I get to finally enjoy. Congrats on the new release!! WooHoo!!

  2. That sounds like a wise plan! Good luck with the new release.

    1. It certainly has helped decreased the wanting to step away forever.

  3. Congrats on your upcoming book release. It's good to step back and be careful to set realistic goals that work for you. Happy Holidays!

  4. After not writing much of anything for the last 5 or 6 years I'm just now slowing getting into the process of writing again. Congratulations on the new release and may the holidays be a time of peaceful reflection and renewal.

  5. Ooh, we do love festive romances! Time to start watching Hallmark's festive movies! I already have THE THREE WISE MEN AND A BABY downloaded.

    1. Right! One of my beta readers is also a screenwriter and suggested I should write my most recent book as a screenplay.

  6. I've been reading that this year people either pushed are and suffered burnout or weren't able to write at all. I didn't see any in-betweeners. I think I fall in the not writing, I did editing, lots of it but nothing new.


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