Friday, February 11, 2022

Trying Something New & a Thought

 I am a huge audiobook fan. I own hundreds of them. I recently had a neighbor asking for  book recommendations because she'd accumulated a bunch of Audible credits which were about to expire. 

Um ... I usually have to buy extra credits. lol 

That means I've made sure all my books are also audiobooks. And I've decided to share my audiobooks for free, and my first book is live.

I've done readings before on my YouTube page which include a little history about that particular book. I may see if I can cut those out and add them to the end of the books. It'll help personalize the recording but having it at the end means people who don't care can just stop listening.

I've been listening to several books there. I'm happy to add to the author's hours listened.

Click here to check it out.

And it's narrated by a real person. lol

Thought for the Weekend


  1. I really enjoy audio books, but I've never even looked into making mine into audios. I'm not very good with technology and I'm certainly not good at reading aloud.

    I'll have to check yours out. I love listening to audiobooks or podcasts while I clean.

    1. Me too! I'm such a fan, it was a high priority for me when I was first published.

  2. Audio books have still not become a trend here in Europe so I have absolutely no experience with them.

    1. That's interesting because their growth is growing so fast here.

  3. That is awesome - thanks!
    It's cool having your books on audio, isn't it? Wild the first time I heard someone reading mine.

    1. It really is. All my books are in audio, and it's come in handy when I've done later books in a series. It refreshes my memory of what's happened.

  4. It's definitely great to hear your own work literally spoken with someone else's voice:)

  5. Everyone has a battle indeed.

    That is one avenue I still have yet to go down, whether doing it or listening.


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