Wednesday, October 4, 2017

IWSG - October 2017

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!
Last month, a writer in a group I’m a member of expressed frustration. It had been a bad month for sales, and she felt that her husband did not value her writing unless she was bringing in big bucks.

What I loved was the response of others in the group. I thought I’d share a couple of those bits of encouragement.

How about you? 
Do you ever find yourself caught up in that "my self-worth = large sales" lie? 
What other self-destructive self-talk do you find yourself engaging in?


  1. Tying your self-worth to how much you make will only end in frustration. Those were excellent responses your group gave.

    1. Definitely frustrating, especially in those who we want to be supportive of our efforts.

  2. I haven't had to worry about how much I make because I don't have a good enough manuscript yet. I'm sure I'd worry about it, but agree with Alex that it's not about valuing yourself based on how much you make. Otherwise I'd be super depressed going from an attorney with a good salary to my low-paying contracting writing job that barely supports me now. But i love writing all day!

  3. Great responses indeed. If I cared about the dough, my peasanties would have made me quit long ago lol

  4. I think we all dream of having big sales, landing huge book deals. But reality sinks in and it can be either depressing or it can move us forward to push ourselves to greater things!

    1. I'm enjoying my slow growth, especially in connecting with readers.

  5. well if you have kids to support you really can't write books that nobody reads. It's true. And so many people are just plain talentless and still want to write books... I'd say 80% of those that write dystopia and YA :)

    1. Haha And you would know since you translate dystopia and YA books.

  6. Well, if my self worth was tied into sales, I'd probably have my head in the oven by now. I love writing (even when I hate it), and so I write. I want to be a success in terms of sales and critical reception, but if I'm ultimately not good enough, then it's something to know I've given it my best effort.

    Very nice quotes, thanks for sharing them!

    1. Yes, we writers write because we must. It's just challenging when the person we hope would support us does not value what we do.

  7. I don't write to make money, but I am extremely lucky in that my family does not need for me to earn a paycheck at this time. It's great that this author's friends are supporting her though.

    1. I'm just looking to supplement my retirement when it comes. :D

  8. Such excellent advice. If we are only writing for the money how can we expect others to relate. That relatability is what makes the stuff sell. It's a circle of creativity from one mind to another.

  9. What super responses. Hope all is well, Donna. I've been a bit scarce over the past months due to life's trials and turmoils. I hope it improves soon. I'm exhausted :) But still smiling and still writing - so that's a plus!! Take care!

    1. Real like can sure kick us, can't it? Glad you're still writing.

  10. If I quit the first time my Hubs refused to believe in me, I'd have written about a hundred words. He still has very little faith in what I do. Luckily, I can function without it...sort of. I'd still revel in it if he came through.

  11. I am currently going through another sales slump with my freelancing. I wallowed a bit but now I'm making a list of markets to submit to and expand my horizons instead. I'll still put out feelers for clients but I'm also going to submit to more magazines. Full time writing is both a treasure and a job.

  12. Follow and share your passion - its only a matter of time before folks pick up on this and success follows.

  13. It is very unhealthy to tie your worth to your artistic pay cheque. The industry is so competitive, and in a lot of cases, underfunded. We are too often asked to work for nothing. Our dreams are not easy to achieve. But this is not an indication of our worth. We must be strong!


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