Wednesday, September 6, 2017

IWSG - September 2017

Click here to find out more and to see a list of other IWSG blogs.

September’s question is:
Have you ever surprised yourself with your writing? For example, by trying a new genre you didn't think you'd be comfortable in??

I can’t say that I ever expected to write a portal fantasy or a Victorian time travel, yet I’m in the process of doing both.

I'll leave you with this bit of wisdom:

“A true piece of writing is a dangerous thing.
It can change your life.”

How about you? 
Ever surprised yourself with your writing? 
How has writing changed your life?


  1. Replies
    1. I actually have the first drafts done for two books in the series.

  2. Branching out sure can be fun when you give it a run!

  3. I think if my writing ceased to surprise me then I would probably stop writing.

  4. are there Draculas involved in that Victorian time travel?

  5. It's good to think big and be ready to go where the story takes us. Your stories sound fascinating!

  6. Love the quote. Good luck with your new projects.

  7. A time traveling Victorian? You probably want me to beta that because it sounds awesome!!!

    1. Haha Actually it's some modern peeps who find themselves in Victorian times.

  8. It is always exciting to try another genre, isn't it, Donna. I'm back to blogging as part of a course I am taking, good to find you again!

  9. That's an awesome and intuitive quote.


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